Prior to entering the private sector and running the New York City-based investment bank, schlosstein served in the public sector for many years. 施洛斯特因在进军私人领域以及在纽约运营投行之前,曾在公共部门效力多年。
Thirty-two per cent of students with a Chinese background said investment banking was their ideal industry compared with just 8 per cent of white students who were more interested in pursuing careers in the public sector. 在华裔学生中,32%的人表示,投资银行是他们的理想就职行业,相比之下,有此意向的白人学生仅为8%。白人学生对从事公共部门的职业更感兴趣。
Public investment in rural areas is the investment which the Government and other public sector carry on in resources and elements with public goods attributes in the activities of the rural economy for the public interest. 农村公共投资是政府等公共部门为了公共利益对农村经济活动中具有公共物品属性的资源和要素所进行的投资。
Monitoring and evaluation system is a kind of popular management mode in international agencies and developed countries for optimizing decision-making in investment in public sector, governmental programme and policy formulation, and for improving their implementation efficiency. 监测评价体系是众多国际机构和发达国家政府广泛用于优化公共投资项目、计划、政策的决策和提高执行效率的一种组织管理方式。
The department of natural resources and investment in fixed assets is negatively correlated, this is because most of the investment is to the "Rail-based" public infrastructure sector, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries resources conservation and supply sector inputs is little. 自然资源部门与固定资产投资呈负相关关系,这是因为投资的大部分投向了铁公基等公共基础设施部门,而对农林牧渔业等资源涵养与供给部门的投入不足。